Veterans Day Cards | Veterans Day Ecards | Veterans Day Greeting Cards

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    World A Better Place
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    Thank You!
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    Honouring & Remembering!
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    Special Place
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    Respect and Admiration!
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    Where Liberty Dwell
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    We Will Never Forget
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    Veterans Day Message

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About Veterans Day

Veterans day came into existence on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh of november. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a bill proclaiming November 11 as the official date for Veterns Day to be celebrated — the day to honor all those who had served America in all her wars. From this day it became a national holiday and has always been celebrated on November 11 in the United States .
On Veterans day Americans honour the people who have selflessly given up their lives in the U.S military. These people are honored for their service in times of war and maintaining peace and harmony in the country. This day is also known as remembrance day to remember the people who have served for years in the US military and have died for America. It is celebrated each year on November 11 . Throughout the country veteran  parades and veteran speeches  are held to pay a tribute to the great heroes who have either fought for the country and died or are still fighting for the freedom that Americans have today. Veteran poems are also recited in their memory and a  two-minute  silence is also observed to remember those who fought for peace.  Verterans Day ceremony includes veteran activities like military processions and patriotic songs to instill patriotism among the people present there. Veteran posters are also put up to showcase their bravery and courageous acts.  Veterans day would have also been called Armistice day had World War I turned out to be “ the war to end all wars” , but after World War II , November 11 came to be known as Vetrans Day for thanking the veterans of both the world wars .Veterens day or soldiers day is now celebrated with Memorial day to honor  the Nation’s military who sacrificed their lives for their Motherland. Soldier’s day was also celebrated year’s ago  to pay respect to the veterans of the state but it has now been discontinued.
On the last Monday in may , Memorial day is observed and it began as a celebration to salute the armed forces who died in the American Civil War. Remembrance Day also kown as 'Poppy Day' as November is that month of the year when red poppy flower or poppies are worn to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives during wars.
So come let us remember the brave Veterans who fought to give us freedom and pride. Today let us know them how happy and proud we are of them. Here is a collection of some animated Veterans Day ecard and Veterans day card to send them your thoughts and warm wishes. This Veterans Day gift the brave Veterans a smile with your cute and heart touching ecard.

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