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About Tulip Day


Tulip is the most abundantly found flower, which comes in various colors and shape.

Originally the flower was found in turkey and Persia, where it played a significant role in the art and culture. Although it is unclear as to who brought the tulip flowers into Europe but one thing is sure that it was some Turks who made Tulip a popular flower in Europe particularly in the Netherlands.

Tulip signifies love but different color of tulip has different meaning. For example red tulips are associated with true love, while purple symbolizes royalty. The meaning of yellow tulips is an expression for cheerful thoughts and sunshine. White tulips represents forgiveness.


There is no doubt about the fact that because of it’s beauty and significance tulip continues to become popular. And because of its popularity Tulip Day came into existence. Here are some ecards and cards with virtual Tulip flowers to send to your dear ones and wish them happiness always.

All our Tulip Day Cards and Tulip Day Ecards are free!


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