Bhai Dooj | Bhaiya Dooj | Bhai Dooj Cards | Bhai Dooj Ecards

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About Bhai Dooj

It's Bhai Dooj a day of brothers and sisters! Bhai Dooj is an auspicious Hindu occasion celebrated after Diwali. In India, celebrating traditional festivals is always an important custom for Hindus. Bhaiya dooj is one of the most awaited festivals of Hindus, literally in hindi, bhaiya means brother and dooj means two days after the new moon. In the Kartik month of the Hindu calendar two days after the Diwali rituals, bhai phota is celebrated. Bhai duj is also known as Bhaiya dooj tikka festival and is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. It is a festival marked to celebrate the love and affection and the special bond between a brother and sister. On this day a sister prays for the brother’s happy and long life and the brother gifts his sister with bhai dooj gifts and promises to protect her from all the hardships of life. According to Hindu mythology, after killing Narkasur, Lord Krishna visited his sister who gave him a warm welcome. This Bhai Duj katha marks the celebration of the Bhaiya duj festival.

As a custom, usually brothers visit their sister’s place. The sister prays for his happy and long life. In return, brothers load their sisters with gifts and blessings. After the tikka ceremony, sister invites her brother for a grand feast in which she prepares delicacies. This is the day when the whole family gets together and celebrates the festival with a great zeal. In West Bengal, the same festival is celebrated by the name Bhai Phota where ‘phota’ means ‘tilak’, which is a fine paste of chandan that the sister puts on her brother’s forehead. The brothers who are far away from their sisters send them Bhai Phota greetings or e-cards or e-greetings.

There are lots of Bhaiya Dooj cards available. Now days, there are also free Bhaiya dooj e cards and greetings you could also send personalized greetings to your sister/brother to let him/her know how special the relation is and what he/she means to you. Send your love packed in the e-cards. Distances may make the heart miss the loved one much but the festival gives you the opportunity to open your heart. They fight when around and miss each other’s presence otherwise that is the relation weird but special, filled with love so this bhaiya dooj create memories for life


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