Saint Nicholas Day Cards | Saint Nicholas Day Ecards | Saint Nicholas Day Greeting Cards

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    St. Nicholas Day

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About St. Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas populary disguised with Santa Clause devoted his entire life, in serving poor and needy. Born in the third century in a wealthy family Nicholas devoted his life in doing various good deeds and helping the ones in need. He use to leave small things on the door steps of the needful and thus also gave birth to the most popular tradition of christmas that is giving and receiving Christmas Gifts! One most popular story about Saint Nick is that he helped the 3 young ladies in getting married. In thise times the father of the daughters had to give dowery to the prospective husbands. The larger the amount of dowery better the chance of getting a good husband. And those who were not able to give dowery were sold as slaves. Saint Nick once crossing the house of these ladies heard their father crying as he was poor and could not afford the dowery of his daughters. Saint Nick at night silently threw 3 bags of gold which landed in the 3 stockings that was left by the girls hanging by the fireplace to dry. Since then the custom of hanging stockings by the fireplace for santa clause to leave gifts came into existence. The followers of Saint Nick went to different countries to spread the word of kindness amoung the human beings and slowly Saint Nicholas became a very popular saint.
So lets plunge into the festivity mood with Saint Nicholas Day and gift our dear ones and friends a smile by sending across our warm wishes to them. Above is the collection of some animated/ funny saint Nicholas Day ecards to ad that extra spark in the Christmas celebration of your dear ones.

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