Free Funny Cards And Ecards Of Celebrate The Date : Featuring Holidays,  Funny Events And Religious Festivals Celebrated Throughout The Year

Kiss Day (24 Sep)

  • view: 4077
    Happy Kissing!
  • view: 15722
    Beautiful Day And Night!
  • view: 15877
    Let's Celebrate!
  • view: 16461
    Too Hot….

Kisses speak what two hearts feel. One can express a lot with just a kiss. So here's a collection of Kiss cards and kiss ecards on Kiss Day to make your day a most romantic one.

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Gandhi Jayanti (2 Oct)

  • view: 2465
    Gandhi Jayanti
  • view: 2534
    Gandhi Jayanti

Gandhi Jayanti

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Candy Corn Day (30 Oct)

  • view: 2683
    All About You Day
  • view: 2856
  • view: 3100
  • view: 3143
    Witching You

Candy Corn Day!! Now what a wonderful day to have candies and get prepared for Halloween. Here is a collection of some animated Candy Corn Day ecards and Candy Corn Day cards to wish your dear ones a halloween full of sweetness.

Browse all 4 cards >>  

All Saints Day (1 Nov)

  • view: 2655
    Showered with Blessings!

All Saints Day a day to celebrate and honor all the saints. So heres a collection of ecards and cards to celebrate All Saints Day and share warm wishes with your dear ones.

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Hug A Bear Day (7 Nov)

  • view: 2524
    Hug A Bear Day
  • view: 2790
    Hug A Bear Day
  • view: 2806
    Hug A Bear Day
  • view: 3524
    Hug A Bear Day

It's Hug a Bear Day! a day to hug your most beloved toy and if your are lucky enough to have someone

Browse all 4 cards >>  

About Celebrate The Date

Celebrate The Date. This section of, free and funny ecards is created with the view of sharing day to day events some of which are funny and some are religious. In this card section you will get greeting cards of some very funny events and the details why it is celebrated and also religious cards of various religion and festivals celebrated.

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