Holiday | Free Ecards | Holiday Cards | Holiday Greeting Cards | Free Cards

Fathers Day (19 Jun)

  • view: 2574
    Biggest Fan
  • view: 2652
    Happy Fathers Day
  • view: 2659
    Relaxing Day
  • view: 2663
    Fathers Day Game

Wish your father/ daddy a happy fathers day with some cute animated father's day cards and father's day ecards. Surprise him by sending the special father's day gift and make your father's, father's day all the more special.

Browse all 31 cards >>  

Canada Day (1 Jul)

  • view: 2758
    Thank You
  • view: 2768
  • view: 2913
    Sparkling Canada Day
  • view: 3068
    A Friend Like You…

It's Canada Day! So wish all your friends and loved ones a happy Canada Day and share the pride and happiness which the country has given us! All our Canada Day Cards and Canada Day Ecards are free!

Browse all 5 cards >>  

Fourth of July (4 Jul)

  • view: 2948
    Happy Moments
  • view: 3006
    Parade Of Wishes
  • view: 3008
    It's Home Again...
  • view: 3058
    Happy 4th Of July

It's Fourth Of July a day to celebrate American Independence. So celebrate Fourth of July with our free animated fourth of july cards and fourth of july ecards with lots of fourth of july fireworks, fourth of july images and fourth of july wishes.

Browse all 13 cards >>  

Eid-Ul-Fitr (5 Jul)

  • view: 3563
    thank you
  • view: 4460
    Thank You!
  • view: 5052
    True Friend
  • view: 5578
    A Good Friend

Celebrate and rejoice in the graces of Allah with our warm and animated Eid ul-Fitr ecards and Eid ul-Fitr Crads.

Browse all 22 cards >>  

Bastille Day (14 Jul)

  • view: 4770
    Happy Bastille Day!
  • view: 9495
    Joyeux jour de la Bastille

Celebrate the joy and happiness of the Independence Day of France with our collection of animated ecards and cards on Bastille Day.

Browse all 2 cards >>  

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