Mothers Day Cards, Mothers Day eCards, Mothers Day Greeting Cards, Free Mothers Day Cards


  • view: 6168
    Remarkable Women And A Mother…
  • view: 9079
    Seeing You With You Children…
  • view: 11963
    Like Lovely Flowers…
  • view: 33620
    Personal Diary…

Mother's Day Cards For Daughter And Mother's Day ecards For Daughter

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  • view: 2960
  • view: 3058
    Do The Things You Want…
  • view: 3398
    Child Rearing Myth
  • view: 6661
    Celebrate The Way You Dreamt…

Mother's Day Cards For Friends And Mother's Day ecards For Friends

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  • view: 5107
    Pleasant Moments, Special Memories…
  • view: 6843
    Hugs And Kisses

Mother's Day Cards For Grandmother And Mother's Day ecards For Grandmother

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Happy Mothers Day

  • view: 3332
    Lots Of Love…
  • view: 3676
    Buzzing By…
  • view: 3849
    Wishing You…
  • view: 4468
    Queen Of The Castle!

Happy Mother's Day Cards And Happy Mother's Day ecards

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  • view: 3074
    Not Just A Hug…
  • view: 3125
    A Hug…
  • view: 4882
    A Biiig Hug!!
  • view: 6264
    All The Love…

Mother's Day Hugs Cards And Mother's Day Hugs ecards

Browse all 5 cards >>  

About Mothers Day

Mother’s the World. She brought you into the world, loves you, cares for you, keeps you awake during examinations of life, comforts you in distress, stands by you all the time, is like a wall defending and protecting you and cushions you when you fall.

She is the tree that protects you from the scorching heat, the wall that teaches you to be firm, the river that tells you to always go on in life, the sky to look up in reverence. May be a day dedicated to all dynamic mothers is not enough but is only a small gesture of acknowledging the completeness that she brings to our lives. That is what Mother’s Day is all about. She is the woman whose delicious food all boys swear by and all daughters see their best friend in.

Mother’s Day is just a day to celebrate her presence and to thank her in our own sweet special way and to tell her how much we love her. Here are some warm, funny ecards on Mother's Day for not only your mother but also your mother-in-law, sister who is a mother now, a friend etc

So go ahead wish your mother a Happy Mothers Day with our warm Mothers Day Ecards and Mothers Day Cards. All our Mothers Day Greeting Cards are free.

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