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About Janmashtami

Jai Shree Krishna! It's Janmashtami, the day when Shree Krishna (reincarnation of Lord Vishnu) and the most beloved God of the Hindus was born. The date is traced back to 3227 B.C. which is the Iron Age or Dwapur Yug. It is believed that Krishna lived for 125 years that is till 3102 B.C that is at the onset of current age or Kal Yug. Lord Krishna gave the world some wonderful teachings which are recited by the devotees in various poems and songs.

Lord Krishna is the most worshipped God among Hindus and is very popular across the globe too. It’s believed that lord Krishna has more than 108 names like Gopal, Krishna, Kanaha, Shreenath, Bakebihari etc.

According to the Hindu Puran Lord Krishna was born to end the evil of his time and bring back a peaceful era. The main objective of Lord Krishna's birth was to free Mother Earth from the wickedness of demons. Playing an important part in Mahabharata (legendary battle in Kurukshetra) and propagating the theory of bhakti and good karma were other important objectives.

Janmashtami also known by various other names like "Krishnashtami","Saatam Aatham" ,"Gokulashtami", "Ashtami Rohini", "Srikrishna Jayanti", "Sree Jayanthi" is celebrated on eighth day of Krishna Paksha as per the hindu calender which is mid August and September month.

Janmashtami festival has various customs and traditions. The most common one is fasting. People fast till midnight that is time till Lord Krishan takes birth. After that they have milk and milk products as they were favorites of Shree Krishna.
Krishna Leela is one of the mark features of the festival and is organized in various places of Matura and Vrindava. People from all over the globe gather to witness this religious festival. Breaking the Dhai Handi, observing fast, singing Krishna Bhajans are some of the common things which is done on this day.

People even gather at temples and wish each other happiness on Krishan’s birth. Now a days sending cards and ecards have also become very popular. Hence ecards on Janmashtami are very easily available on many free ecard sites.

So come let’s celebrate the birth of Shree Krishna with the warm and religious Janmashtami Cards from meme4u. All our Janmashtami Greeting Cards are absolutely Free!

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